Flow in the Body, Mind, and Soul

You’ve likely heard the term, “the weight of the world is on your shoulders” or some variation of that anyway. After a session, my clients will often tell me, “I feel so much lighter” because we always work to relieve some of that weight. That heaviness we carry around thinking everything and everyone is our responsibility does not serve us, mentally, spiritually, or even physically. Now, you may start thinking this sounds a little woo-woo but hear me out. 


Think about someone who gets a tension headache. They experience sustained, intense stress (emotion), and that leads to a headache or even migraine (physical symptom). Or the person who vomits (physical symptom) when they get nervous (emotion). See every emotion we experience carries its own energy and is held in a specific part of our body. When we hold onto that emotion for too long it can cause build-up or stagnation and that leads to physical ailments. 


Energy should...

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Know Your Cycle

Be honest, how much do you think about your feminine cycle in the three weeks you’re not bleeding? Maybe you’re on birth control that prevents a bleed so you’re not aware of it at all. Or maybe you dread the day your bleed comes because you know it will come with pain, irritability, and frustration. The female cycle is one of the coolest transitions our bodies make and if you can understand how to work with it, instead of against it, I think you’ll find a whole new perspective. Let’s start that shift today. 


You know that each month your hormones fluctuate through each of the phases and each time they change, they create different desires in you. Just like Mother Nature shows off her four seasons throughout the year, you experience similar seasons throughout the month. Let’s break it down. 


Spring/Follicular phase: In this phase, your body is preparing an egg for ovulation. The hormones responsible for this will make you...

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On Your Heart

What desires, goals, or dreams have been placed on your heart? I’m not just talking about sleeping in every day or your favorite drink from the coffee shop. Let’s get a little deeper than that… What are the things that you keep coming back to? Those dreams that just never go away? 


Maybe it’s having all your family together for a meal. 

Maybe it’s selling your paintings. 

Maybe it’s teaching kiddos how to work through their emotions on the back of a horse. 

Maybe it’s having an exceptional relationship with your partner. 

Maybe it’s running an animal sanctuary where you rescue pets from being euthanized. 

Maybe it’s finding peace and joy in your life again.

Maybe it’s something else entirely… 


These goals have been placed on your heart for a reason. Not just to daydream about it while you’re stuck in your 9 to 5. Not just to be that thing you never quite...

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Find Joy

With the tension that seems to exist around every corner lately, it can be hard to find peace, joy, and happiness. As our society is conflicted and stress continues to be placed on employers and employees, parents and children, and men and women of all walks of life, you may have noticed that it is more difficult to find those higher vibration emotions. 


You are not alone. 


This is certainly a challenge. You are not going crazy, you are not “losing it,” you are simply a victim of a world in turmoil. This is a level of tension many of us have not experienced in our lifetime. It is heavy. It is uncomfortable. It is hard. But it doesn’t have to ruin you. 


It is moments like these we have to dig deep to find our joy and peace. We have to be a little more intentional in finding ways to raise our vibration instead of just going through the motions of the day. Empaths especially, as you’re likely more aware of the heaviness in...

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Why Whole30?

Many people look to “reset” when the New Year comes around. It’s a fresh start, an opportunity to look hard at your goals for the coming year and make some changes to your current lifestyle. Health goals (fitness and weight loss) are one of the most common New Year resolutions. While I will always support choices that are healthy for your physical body, I also firmly believe wellness is about so much more than a number on a scale or the number of calories you eat every day. That being said, I don’t usually encourage or support goals like, “I want to lose 20 pounds this year.” Or “I’m starting a diet where I only eat 500 calories a day.” There are a few reasons you won’t find these types of goals on my own list of resolutions. The number on the scale is not indicative of your true health. Limiting calories may also mean you’re not fueling your body properly and can lead to more stress and inflammation in the body than...

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Other People's Choices

Every now and then when I work with a client, I say something that feels profoundly wise to me. Like an "ah-ha" moment in my own life, that somehow gets to serve that client too. It is one of my favorite things about the work that I do. I get to learn right alongside each of you and that just leads us all to a life filled with more love, joy, and happiness. Here's the statement that I was blessed to share in that session:
Other people's choices may affect you, but they are not about you. 
Ponder on that for a minute. Is there a situation in your life where you've held onto some anger, resentment, or frustration because of someone else's decision? A decision that might have changed some things in your life, but one that was made solely by another individual and didn't have anything to do with you. 
For example, let's say you're running late for work and the person in front of you is driving 3 mph under the speed limit. It is frustrating. It...
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What's In Your Cup?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”? If you read my post Self-Care isn't Selfish you know exactly what I’m talking about. So often our cups are empty because of the lives we lead. We are overwhelmed with the busyness of life and we have allowed society to tell us what is important, and in most cases taking care of ourselves is not at the top of that list. We have allowed our schedules to get so full that there is no room for us anymore. We have nothing left to give. That is when your cup is empty. When you feel like there is just nothing left of you or just not enough of you. If you’ve ever thought or uttered the words, “I’m just one person, I can’t do it all,” then you know exactly what I mean. 


Routine self-care usually keeps us out of that feeling. It keeps us from getting to a place of burnout, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, etc. But what happens if we allow ourselves to keep...

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What do you lose?

A friend recently reached out to me with two different job opportunities available to her. She was grateful for the opportunity, but these are life-changing decisions and she was having a hard time deciding what would be best for herself and her family. I’m sure you’ve been in that position. If I choose this path then these things will happen. If I choose that path then those things will happen. Each choice came with its own set of benefits and its own set of risks. When we compared the pros and cons of each job, they were about the same. The good of this one matched the good of that one, they were just different kinds of good… which makes it hard to make a decision. The conversation gave way to many, “yeah… but” arguments {insert “Yabits come at Easter Dad Jokes here}. We went rounds in the conversation. She and her husband went rounds in the conversation. She went many rounds in her own head… and was still stuck at making a...

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Criticism vs. Compassion

Offering someone compassion doesn't always feel as easy as criticizing them. Because it feels hard it might even feel “better” to criticize before we offer compassion. Sit with that for a second… it feels better to criticize others than it does to offer compassion. Not just others, but yourself too. It feels better to criticize yourself than to offer yourself compassion because that is easier. Like water, we do take the path of least resistance. But like water in a flood zone, that path can certainly be destructive! 


Today, I want you to check your inner dialogue. Whether it’s walking through the store or after a conversation with your co-workers or interacting with a customer. Your knee-jerk response is likely one with a negative approach. “What is she wearing?” “I cannot believe she allows her kids to do that!” “Grow up and manage your money like an adult and you wouldn’t need to put items back.”...

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I Challenge You

Most of my clients will tell me that they love working with me because I don’t sugarcoat things. I’m going to tell you exactly how it is. My patients and their families will say the same thing. Sometimes, those things are hard to hear. I understand it is hard and that’s why I say it. 


No, I don’t enjoy bursting your bubble, but I do enjoy watching you grow and succeed. You don’t work with me, or even read these blogs because you want to hear that you’re a perfect human being and you could do nothing better, and if something goes wrong it is always someone else’s fault. No… you’re here to grow. You’re here to get tips, tricks, and insights that help guide you to become the purest version of yourself that you can be. You’re here to gain a new perspective and make lasting changes in your life that lead you to peace and happiness and out of burnout and exhaustion.


The journey isn’t always...

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